Saturday, April 6, 2013

The Magic Pill (open the box and look inside)

If you heard that a magic pill could help 80% of managers make better decisions; 90% better listeners and communicators; and reduce stress levels among all employees (even those not in a mindfulness program) by over 40%, your organization would be buying the pill, perhaps even the pharmacy to make sure they had an abundance of supplies, and mandating that every single employee take one – every day. 

But, this isn’t a magic pill. This miracle drug is mindfulness training – and an overall commitment to a progressive culture shift - all of which are beginning to infiltrate corporate America and produce a competitive advantage than cannot be duplicated by anything else.

The P&L impact is significant; healthcare is typically the third largest cost for an organization behind manufacturing and payroll. And the MAJORITY of health spend is due to stress-related illnesses, as almost 90% of what we see the doctor for in America is stress-related. Of these, most are preventable or easily moderated – including things like chronic fatigue, anxiety attacks, mood swings, depression, sleep problems, high blood pressure, ulcers, poor immune function, chronic pain, fibromyalgia, the common cold and flu, and even heart disease (the one thing that companies pay that huge stop-loss coverage to prevent against).

Heart Disease? Yes, heart disease! Dean Ornish (of the Preventative Medicine Research Institute) in a Journal of the American Medical Association study found that mindful meditation practices can REVERSE coronary atherosclerosis (patients in the control group had more than twice the cardiac ‘attacks’ than those in the experimental group). 

The long and short of it? Studies of mindfulness training (when done correctly) reveal that meditation may be responsible for “80% or greater” reductions in medically-related insurance claims (Journal of Behavior Modification: Walton, Schneider, Salerno, and Nidich 2005). Wow! Can you imagine reducing your organization’s third largest expense by 80%?

Bleeding edge research is now showing these practices are transforming the corporate bottom line. ​

And, in case you are worried that this Eastern explosion is too Zen for your company, don’t forget to look over your shoulder. Companies like all-American General Mills (whose workforce and campus headquarters are predominantly white and “corporate” looking) are introducing distinctly “uncorporate” elements into the average employee workday - meditation sessions for executives and team leads, yoga classes for employees, and gratitude programs for creating “community” at work.

But, this isn’t a magic pill. If it were, the government would have mandated that every American take one immediately. Learning mindfulness, the philosophy behind it, and more, applying it to the Western way of life is more than challenging – or we’d all be doing it.

At the Moksha Institute, this is what we do. We transform individuals, teams, and organizations. Our team includes Ph.D. level Psychologists, former CEOs and VPs of Fortune 500 companies, and nationally recognized yoga / meditation teachers.

We understand the realities of working in a business, coaching an Executive struggling to balance work and home, and living the Moksha principles in the midst of daily life. We practice what we preach. We apply what we call Yogic Science – fusing the timeless teachings of the East and the scientific research of the West to produce an approach that is unparalleled.  

At the Moksha Institute, we are applying ancient teachings for the modern time to help individuals and organizations thrive. We can help you transform.  


Dr. Ryan Pride is the owner of the Moksha Institute, a firm dedicated to improving the wellbeing of individuals, teams, and organizations through culture transformation and leadership development.   A profit-for-purpose company, the Moksha Institute applies Ancient Teachings for the Modern Time in order to transform striving into thriving.  
For more information, please go to:

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